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Blogitty Blog Blog Blog

(flula voice) Why even is this thing called a blog? Where did that word come from? And who just decides to make new words up? I've never just been like... "oh this new thing with no name is now called huffleflarf... because that's what i want it to be called. no other explaination is needed." Unless its an acronym. Those are always cool. Is "blog" an acronym? ... Hold on... I'm gonna go look that up.

(googles "etymology of the word blog"...)

Ooohhhh! (he exhaled with a sigh of sudden understanding) The word was born in the '90's and is a condensed version of the compound word weblog. A log that has been posted to the world wide web. Interesting. I never knew. I guess its like the saying goes; you dont have to know how an engine works to drive a car. I don't even know if thats a real saying.

Well, aside from rambling and tending to sudden bursts of curiosity about useless pieces of information, I'm usually not too talkative. As you can see on my website, I really like lists. (much like the bowler hat guy from meet the robinsons).

If I have something profound or even slightly interesting to say I'll do my best to inform you. But otherwise, if there is a post, it will more than likely be a short post about nothing. I hope thats okay.

Sincerely Blogged,

Eric Wilkes

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